homeless or nomadic?

This summer has been an endless cycle of packing and unpacking. Packing up studio to storage, packing a  suitcase to Italy, Spain, packing boxes to move out of the Bronx, packing a duffle bag to Boston, Amherst, Myrtle Beach, Hanover, packing a backpack to Winston-Salem. I’ve managed not to stay anywhere longer than two weeks. Perhaps it’s a sense of freedom derived from a certain feeling of homelessness after moving away from Pelham Parkway, the Bronx, Rhinelander & Fish Ave after 16 years (my entire life in my America). Or maybe just a youthful nomadic yearning?

In any case,  the following series of entries (hopefully, there will be more than  one) is an attempt to distill, reflect on, express all that travelling in a somewhat cohesive manner.

05-25-09 (1)

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